

I chose to establish Gamma Eta Alpha because I wanted to provide other women the opportunity to be part of a military sorority that is dedicated, sincere, and stands by its principles. The statement "Say what you mean      & Mean what you say" is a characteristic that each of my founding sisters possesses - Now that speaks volumes to me. My major contribution will be my background in Mental Health awareness & developing programs. I hope that Gamma Eta Alpha will be a positive factor in the lives we embrace globally.

I chose to establish Gamma Eta Alpha to help create a place where women at any stage in their life can come together in a nurturing supportive environment, a sisterhood that would accept them for who they are and that will help them evolve into the woman they want be as well as assist them in creating change in the world around them. Unconditional trust in knowing that our dreams, successes, and failures are safe. I hope that Gamma Eta Alpha will grow with quality women willing to stand up for what we believe in and be a positive change within our communities, families, and our own lives. 


I chose to establish Gamma Eta Alpha because I wanted to establish an organization that was built on honesty, comradery, sisterhood, and loyalty with a group of ladies that I have seen uphold the same values that I believe in. My major contributions are my time and talents. I desire that Gamma Eta Alpha would be an organization that exemplifies the standards and ideals for which it was created.


I believe in what Gamma Eta Alpha stands for – Being the Change that WE want to see. The loyalty, respect, honor, commitment, comradery, and devotion to sisterhood. Being a Founder and the Grand Secretary, I am laying the groundwork of how administratively things should be ran in a timely manner, with confidentiality and proactiveness. My hopes are that Gamma Eta Alpha soars to heights dreamt of by its Founders. That the mission, vision, and Monarchs far exceed the expectations of all. That Gamma Eta Alpha will be a lasting organization building upon the strength of the Founders.


I chose to help found Gamma Eta Alpha Military Sorority because I truly believe that we as women are capable of synergizing our energy through service, love, and charity to change this world, our community, and each other. My contribution to Gamma Eta Alpha is to lead, assist, and direct in all areas of the organization to help shape its purpose. To motivate, encourage and challenge every sister to be change agents in this world. My hope for this organization is to develop a sisterhood that women would be proud to be a part of. One that not only impacts them but those that they encounter.

I wanted to be a part of an organization where the members are fully vested in the mission and the vision. To be women of action, integrity, good deeds, purpose, of the same heart and mind, seeking and believing God for the establishment of the organization and guidance for the growth and longevity thereof. My major contribution is to give of myself in truth, and in whatever God has purposed for me within the organization.  My hope for Gamma Eta Alpha is that we live out what we have collectively established. To model a true sisterhood for the world to see. To rise above all the ills of the world, our many differences, which tend to separate us because of economic status, mental health issues, and social and cultural differences. My final hope is that we will truly Be the Change we want to see in the world! But it must start with US!!!


SMR ‘21 
I chose Gamma Eta Alpha to establish and cultivate a sisterhood of women of diverse backgrounds to never feel alone in this world of male domination. To create a network and family of like- minded women with common goals. My major contribution is Loyalty. I hope that Gamma Eta Alpha will promote sisterhood, develop leadership, and empower others internationally.

SMR ‘21 

I chose to be a part of establishing Gamma Eta Alpha because I believe in the mission and values of Gamma Eta Alpha, and the true sisterhood of this great organization. I believe in the impact that Gamma Eta Alpha will exude as a military sorority. Women need a safe place to be who they truly are, flaws and all, no masks, just uniqueness. Gamma Eta Alpha is that safe place. My major contribution is me! I plan to contribute my time and talents to Gamma Eta Alpha for advancement, improvement, and positive INFLUENCE. My hope for Gamma Eta Alpha as an organization is to impact the world in such a way that lives would be richly changed in all areas of life.


FOUNDER     SMR ‘21 

I chose to establish Gamma Eta Alpha because I wanted to build relationships with fellow veterans and to encourage them to Be the Change the world so desperately needs. My major contribution is my heart of gold. My goal is to ensure that all that is done is done out of pure unconditional love. It is my hope that Gamma Eta Alpha will be an everlasting safe haven for sisterhood. That all our members will feel welcomed, and accepted, and that they remain actively involved.


FOUNDER     SMR ‘21 

I wish to form a bond with like-minded women who are nonjudgmental, strong, educated, and sophisticated, with a heart for giving back and helping other women to be their best selves. I have 20+ years of logistics experience and administrative work. It is my hope that Gamma Eta Alpha will be the go-to military sorority in every avenue that we pursue. We possess 14 extraordinary founders and a strong foundation to grow and move forward.


FOUNDER     SMR ‘21 

I chose to assist in establishing Gamma Eta Alpha because it was desperately needed. I agree with being the change you want to see. I believe in the mission, vision, and my founding sisters. I plan to assist wherever I can. It is my hope that Gamma Eta Alpha will be the change we to see. I look forward to seeing a change in the sorority and the communities that we will be serving. I want this organization to bless others from the members on...I hope to see growth and our vision come to be.


I chose to be a part of establishing Gamma Eta Alpha for a Sisterhood bond. My major contribution is the talents God has blessed me with to serve others. My hopes for Gamma Eta Alpha are to be recognized as Women not only helping women but also those who have served our nation and need that support to gain back the drive to be an active part of the community.

SMR ‘21 

I chose to establish Gamma Eta Alpha because I want to see information passed on to the community to empower female veterans. My contribution is training, experience, and the skills to ensure all Monarchs are properly trained. Access to points of contact to coordinate health events and resource referrals for Gama Eta Alpha initiatives. It is my hope that Gamma Eta Alpha will become the beacon of hope to provide resources to all female veterans in need.


It was time to establish a Sisterhood that was founded with purpose by women who believe in and support each other regardless of their differences. Sisters who would not berate nor talk down to each other. Sisters who would encourage, uplift, and "Break the Law" to ensure each sister knows she is cherished. It was time to "Be the Change" and let my sisters-in-Arms know there is a place like no other where they will be loved, accepted, and find a true Sisterhood. I want to contribute my talents and my vision to help build an everlasting Sisterhood. I hope our legacy will be one of Sisterhood, Service, and Respect. I also hope that when the name Gamma Eta Alpha Military Sorority, Incorporated is spoken it is with the utmost esteem for those Sophisticated, Elegant, and Remarkable women who have had the honor of joining this Sisterhood.