L.O.T.U.S. Awareness

What is maternal mental health?

Both perinatal mental health and maternal mental health are used interchangeably. Meaning, it refers to during pregnancy and up to two years after birth. Many are aware of postnatal depression (PND), however, during pregnancy, some women experience anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and eating disorders. These illnesses can range from mild to severe; even requiring treatment as soon as they are noticed. Some women may have had these symptoms prior to becoming pregnant, but they only became noticeable/worse during the perinatal period. Should a woman believe she is experiencing serious postpartum depression/psychosis, seek medical attention immediately. (https://maternalmentalhealthalliance.org/about-maternal-mental-health/)

When considering women’s health, one must imagine diseases and conditions that are specific to women and their health risks. For instance, heart disease, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer; all of which are important. The key is effectively managing one’s daily health; such as premenstrual syndrome, birth control, fertility, menopause, and more are key to having a vibrant life. 

Take breast health, doing self-exams to see if you notice a lump or pain as a cause for concern. Noticing changes in menopause symptoms. No matter your age, your health concerns will change. Making lifestyle choices can go a long way to lowering health risks. For example, exercise and fitness, diets and eating healthy, regular check-ups with your physician.