
**If for any foreseen or unforeseen events (i.e., COVID restrictions, weather, etc.) that is out of the control of Gamma Eta Alpha, that requires a crossing date to be changed, NO virtual crossing will be conducted in accordance with Gamma Eta Alpha Ritual SOP. The crossing will be rescheduled for a later date.**

If you are Active-Duty, AGR, National Guard, or Reserve, please submit the following documents:

  • Statement of Service (Active-Duty and AGR only)
  • Military Service DD 214 (Member copy 4)/ NGB Form 22 (National Guard)
If you are a Retiree or Veteran with an Honorable Discharge, please submit the following documents:
  • Statement of Service
  • Military Service DD 214 (Member copy 4)/NGB Form 22 (National Guard)
Application Fee - $25 (non-refundable)

All applicants are required to submit a Personal Letter of Interest. Personal Letters of Interest must follow the below guidelines and address the following topics:

  • 1 page maximum
  • Typed, double-spaced with 1 margin on all sides
  • 12pt. Times New Roman
  • Why do you want to join Gamma Eta Alpha?
  • What do you plan to contribute to Gamma Eta Alpha?
  • What does sisterhood mean to you, beyond the uniform?
*Please allow 10-14 business days to process your application upon receipt of your $25 non-refundable application fee.
*A background check will be conducted on ALL applicants. No exceptions!

Transformation Stage 1 – Once you have completed your online application, submitted the necessary documents listed above, and paid the $25 non-refundable application fee, you will receive instructions on the following:
  • You will receive notification upon the processing of your application. At this time, you will be instructed by the Membership Coordinator to schedule an interview.
  • Upon completion of your interview, you will be notified via email, whether you will be advanced to Stage 2 of the process, or you have been found unqualified.
  • If you were found to be unqualified, you will be notified via email thanking you for considering Gamma Eta Alpha Military Sorority, Inc.

Transformation Stage 2 - You will be required to pay a non-refundable $800 MetamorphoSIS Educational Process (MEP) Fee. The MEP Fee will be made in 3 payments of $400, $150, and $250. Upon the receipt of your invitation and your acceptance to participate in the MEP, the 1st payment of $400 is due within 48 hours. The 2nd payment of $150 is due 30 days after starting the MEP, and the final payment of $250 is due after the "Exit Interview" and successful completion of the process. 

Transformation Stage 3 - You will be assigned to a line and placed under the instruction of a Reigning Monarch (RM) and Monarch Educators (ME) who will guide you through the MetamorphoSIS Educational Process.


Once you have decided to apply, please ensure you use one email account for the entire process. If you do not see an email from the Membership Coordinator or the Asst. Membership Coordinator, check your spam first. If you have to change your email account for any reason, please notify the Membership Coordinator so the applicable changes can be made in our database. You will receive an invoice for all payments made to Gamma Eta Alpha via email. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the National Membership Coordinator at
