Programs & Initiatives


T.O.T.A.L. Initiative (Transformation of Truly Amazing Ladies) - Active duty and veteran women face unique health needs related to their military service. It‘s important to maintain a healthy balance between your mind, body, and soul by nurturing your whole self, including your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. Gamma Eta Alpha is working with external partners to raise awareness and provide resources on crucial women‘s health issues specifically impacting women in the military and women veterans.

L.O.T.U.S. Initiative (Loving Our Truly Unique Sisters)
Each area within L.O.T.U.S. uniquely provides education, services, and assist in eliminating myths concerning the importance on mental health stability.
Financial Literacy – Building a foundation for financial freedom. Gamma Eta Alpha will emphasize financial literacy through education for gaining a basic understanding of banking, savings, the importance of good credit, managing and reducing debt, and financial planning for the future. The goal of this program is to help our members develop skills that translate into financial freedom.

BOS2S (Bringing Our Sisters Toward Success)- The program focuses on mentoring new Sorors through their initial six months of active membership. Through the B.O.S. 2 S. mentorship program, new Sorors are assigned a mentor who will assist them in tracking their progress in training, committee interests, Sorority obligations, and providing information or troubleshooting on a variety of areas. Providing these opportunities is key for the Sorority to attract, retain, and engage their talent.